A Succulent Story Part 2

If you read my last blog post you know I recently purchased a succulent. I have only watered it twice since I transferred it to a glass container. I’m trying not to be overly fussy with it. Everything I’ve read says that these plants really don’t need or want that much TLC. I have come…

Scenes from the City: Nashville Part 3

I’ve been waiting for the appropriate time to post more of my pictures from Nashville filming locations in Nashville, and I figured what better time to do that than the night before Nashville’s 2-hour season 5 premiere on CMT? Return to The Gulch This trip to Nashville took me back to The Gulch, the area…

Scenes from the City: Nashville Part 1

Earlier this year I made a trip to New York City, my first, but hopefully not my last. More to come on that later. The point of this post is that while I was there I was shocked to find that many people had, for example, never been to the 9/11 memorial, and seemed to…